As a part of their biking initiative Lawrence Central Rotary (who sponsors and runs Ride Lawrence ) identified bicycling as an avenue to a healthy lifestyle. To that end we not only sponsor the yearly Community Bike Ride, but we also have raised thousands of dollars to fabricate and install bike racks around Lawrence.
We’re happy to share that the latest creation was unveiled recently at the new Theatre Lawrence building on Lawrence’s west side.
Even the bicycle racks for the new Theatre Lawrence have a theatrical theme. The city requires bike racks to be installed for new construction. and rather than purchase generic racks for a very un-generic building. the theatre sought out Lawrence blacksmith artist Kate Dinneen to design something more appropriate for the theatre’s beautiful new building.

Kate Dinneen admiring her vision installed.
Kate, an artist both in a blacksmith forge and also in a symphony orchestra, graciously donated her time and talent to design and fabricate two metal bike racks for Theatre Lawrence.
One suggests actors holding hands and bending forward in a company bow at the end of a performance, and the other is a representation of theatrical spotlights on poles.
The Lawrence Central Rotary Club generously donated the materials, powder coating and installation for the project. Thanks to the interest and participation of Kate Dinneen and Lawrence Central Rotary, the theatre has pieces that not only are fully functional bicycle racks, but also are pieces of sculpture that add to the exterior beauty of the new building .

The backstage rack suggests actors holding
hands and bending downward in a company bow at the end of a performance.

Lawrence Central Rotary members (R-L) Lynn O’Neal, Eva Wagner, Scott Wagner, Carolyn DeSalvo, Steve Lane and his son Grant.

Scanned page from the event’s program talking about the building and the bike racks.