Category: Complete Streets (Page 2 of 2)

Lawrence Multimodal Planning Studies Draft Reports Available for Public Comment

lawrence transpo planThe Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in coordination with the City of Lawrence, Kansas, invites you to share your comments on the Multimodal Planning Studies draft reports.

The draft reports include a Park & Ride Study, a Fixed-Route Transit and Pedestrian Accessibility Study, and a Countywide Bikeway System Plan.

You can access the draft reports online at

The public review and comment period will be open for 15 days. You are encouraged to submit your comments in writing to the consultant team project manager Jim Meyer at [email protected] by Friday, December 13, 2013.

“Streets Designed for Everyone” community discussion schedule announced

The Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department invites you to participate in a community discussion about how streets can be designed for everyone, no matter who they are or how they travel – walking, biking, taking transit or driving.

Two sessions are available on Thursday, October 24, 2013.

Session 1: 2-3:30 p.m. at the Community Health Facility, 200 Maine St., Lawrence
Session 2: 7-8:30 p.m. at the Douglas County Senior Center, 745 Vermont St., Lawrence

Questions? Contact Charlie Bryan at 785-856-7357 or [email protected].

Please share this event with othersinterested in building a healthy, active environment for Douglas County residents, especially retirees and older residents. Invite your friends, share the events and RSVP at

Live Well Lawrence Celebrates 5 Years!

LiveWell_flyer2You are cordially invited to the fifth anniversary celebration of LiveWell Lawrence. The celebration will be from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, at Abe and Jake’s Landing, 8 E. Sixth St., in downtown Lawrence.

LiveWell Lawrence is a coalition of more than 100 community members who are working together to make it easier for Douglas County residents to eat healthy foods, be physically active and live tobacco free.

The celebration’s program begins at 5:15 p.m. and will include:

  • Welcome — Hank Booth
  • Bringing the vision of LiveWell to life — Marilyn Hull, of Douglas County Community Foundation
  • LiveWell, today and tomorrow — Cindy Johnson, chair of LiveWell Lawrence
  • LiveWell, a state leader — Jeff Usher, of Kansas Health Foundation, and Robert Moser, MD, secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment
  • Community impact — Douglas County Commissioner Mike Gaughan and Lawrence Mayor Michael Dever
  • Special recognition of Marilyn Hull

We hope you can attend the event and celebrate our community’s successes, which include passage of a Complete Streets Policy in Lawrence, adoption of school marathon clubs and school gardens, and establishment of WorkWell Lawrence, a network of employers who are working together to create a culture of health in the workplace.

There will be free food and beverages along with information booths about community activities ranging from school gardens and bicycling to workplace wellness and transportation planning. It’s a great opportunity to network and learn about LiveWell!

Lawrence Central Rotary and Ride Lawrence will be set up with information about local biking and other exciting giveaways!

RSVP on Facebook here.

Help us promote the celebration. Download and share the event flyer here.

Repost: Biking and the Fallacy of Zero-sum Environmental Thinking


(Yes, the bicycle light had just turned red.)

Here’s a repost from the EcoOptimism site written by David Bergman about the misconception that in order for one person to gain something others need to loose in terms of bicycle lanes.

The great James T. Kirk once said (or is it ‘will say’ since it takes place about 270 years from now?) “I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.” My much less quotable version of this might be “I don’t believe in the zero-sum scenario” — at least not in the case of environmentalism, where I like to point out the many win-win and win-win-win scenarios.

A zero-sum game is “a situation in which a gain by one person or side must be matched by a loss by another person or side.” Because of misperceptions of competing interests, environmental issues are often seen as resulting in, at best, zero-sum results. Gains for the environment, for example, are seen as necessarily won at the expense of jobs or energy prices. Developed countries are pitted against developing countries. You get the idea.

On a smaller — and therefore perhaps more personal — scale, bicycling as an alternative form of transportation often ends up in verbal skirmishes with drivers (played out in the news and, sometimes, the courts), who see bike lanes as stealing space from vehicle lanes, and business owners, who fear shoppers won’t come if they can’t park in front.

There are, of course, some valid complaints about cycling. Here in NYC, there is a sort of Wild West legacy of riding in which cyclists until recently had no safe turf. Hence a fend-for-yourself attitude developed whereby many, especially delivery bikers, would ride wherever and however they could to get where they needed to be. Since drivers gave them no respect, the feeling became mutual. (I don’t, by the way, have any such rationale for cyclists who scare or endanger pedestrians.) Continue reading

Benefits of Complete Streets in Communities

The story below is from the Smart Growth America National Complete Streets Coalition.Complete Streets Logo

Complete Streets Help Create Livable Communities

The streets of our cities and towns are an important part of the livability of our communities. They ought to be for everyone, whether young or old, motorist or bicyclist, walker or wheelchair user, bus rider or shopkeeper. But too many streets are designed only for speeding cars, or worse, creeping traffic jams. They are unsafe for people on foot or bike – and unpleasant for everybody. Continue reading

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