Category: Racing (Page 1 of 5)

The Tour of Lawrence Takes a Year off in 2017

Lawerence organizers of the Tour of Lawrence have announced the event is taking a year off in 2017.

“We’re listening to the riders, who are our customers, and also responding to trends in the cycling world,” said Bob Sanner of Lawrence Sports Corporation, which organizes the tour. “It’s a necessary move on our part. ”

2017 would have been the 9th year, but according to Sanner multiple roadway projects over the last could years and ongoing into this year have prohibited the use of the KU Campus

“When we started the Tour of Lawrence eight years ago, our organizing group wanted to offer what we considered the best that Lawrence had to offer when it comes to race venues,” Sanner said. “One of those venues was our ability to offer a race on or near KU’s campus.”

According to a LJWorld story:

The date of the event and the format of the races are also going to be changed, Sanner said. The three-day tour is typically held in July and includes three events for various categories of riders, but Sanner said it might take place earlier in the year when it returns. Last year, the tour included two long-distance races — held at Haskell Indian Nations University and downtown — and a 200-meter sprint on Vermont Street.

Based on feedback from cycling teams, Sanner said the plan is to eliminate the street sprints, and instead have two criteriums and a circuit — all long-distance races.

“We’re asking riders to come in from Dallas or Chicago, and what they would really enjoy and thoroughly support would be three solid days of racing, and the street sprint really didn’t satisfy that,” Sanner said.

Sanner said the hope is for the tour to return next year with the new format, and also bring back KU’s campus as one of the race venues.

We look forward to the return of the race hopefully in 2018!

It’s Time of Year: The Tour of Lawrence Needs You!

Uncle-SamWe got this email from our pal Bob Sanner at the tour to make a shout out for help.. Please sign up – it’s a great time and pretty amazing to see these racers in action!

“It’s hard to  believe that the Tour of Lawrence is entering its seventh year. This year’s ToL will include the same format with one change: the campus race will be held on the campus of Haskell Indian Nations University. Haskell has graciously agreed to close its campus for the Tour of Lawrence.

The popularity and success of the Tour results in large part from the volunteers who make it all possible. Would you consider being part of the year’s ToL? The dates are June 26-28. I can promise you a cool T-shirt, plenty of food (thanks to Free State and Ingredient) and drink. The safety vest and whistle aren’t bad either. Please follow the link and consider being part of the tour again.”

league-logoThe Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department and City of Lawrence are bringing the League of American Bicyclists to Lawrence, KS, to offer their national League Certified Instructor training course.

Get certified, insured and equipped to teach:

  • – Basic to college level bicycle skills and safety
  • – Motorist education courses
  • – Group riding skills
  • – Commuting skills to work and school

League Certified Instructors (LCIs) are experts in bicycle education and safety. LCIs teach independently (freelance) and offer classes through schools, parks, bike shops and clubs. Along with certification to teach classes, you’ll receive access to a network of resources including videos, training models, and listserves exclusive to LCIs.

Cost for the training is $300. The Health Department has funding to pay the fees for eight individuals. These individuals will be required to provide 30 hours of bicycle skills and safety lessons in the community. The deadline to apply is April 1 and can be done at For more information, contact Lawrence Recreation Center Programmer Stephen Mason at or 785-832-7950.


Octoginta Fall Classic & Events

10349897_798194596878754_8848744078817776979_nJoin the Lawrence Bicycle Club and hundreds of other cyclists for the traditional wind-up event of the year. In its 45th year, the Octoginta is truly a fall classic. So come join the festivities this fall. It’s never been better!

Known as one of the best rides in the Midwest, the 2014 Octoginta promises to be another great end-of-season ride. The Lawrence Bicycle Club prides itself in going the extra mile to give you the best SAGs and support along with the gorgeous fall foliage that combine for a ride you’ll never forget.

The Sunflower Bike Shop will again be providing a full breakfast with all of the trimmings as a part of their sponsorship of Octoginta. You won’t want to skip this SAG unless you were hoping to lose weight on the ride.

The Octoginta lunch SAG, at the end of the ride, features a hearty minestrone soup that satisfies vegetarians and meat-lovers alike.

Here’s the rundown:

Saturday, October 11

7-8:15 a.m. – Time Trial

Registration is between 7-8:15 a.m. Start off the Octoginta Weekend by testing yourself in “the race of truth” – an individual time trial! Categories available for all ages and skills.

Riders start at one minute intervals and race out and back over the 10 km. (6.2 mi.) course. This event will also serve as a fundraiser for Women’s Free State Racing Team.

Historic Lecomption High School, 620 E. Woodson, Lecompton, KS 66050

$25 except age 10-18 FREE! Pre-registration information is available at Event held under USA Cycling (USAC) permit. All USAC rules apply. All participants must have USAC annual license or purchase one-day license for $10.

Emily Wamsley,

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Pre-registration

Come down to South Park, on Massachusetts St., between 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. to register and pickup your packets. Beat the Sunday morning rush and register on Saturday!

9:30 a.m. – Tour de County

Enjoy this 30-mile round-trip ride through pastoral Douglas County. Return for brunch at downtown Lawrence. The ride departs from South Park, with a SAG at the halfway point. $5

2 p.m. Swap Meet

Looking for something? Want to get rid of something but can’t quite bring yourself to throw it away? Come and enjoy the festivities at South Park on Massachusetts street.. There will be various vendors as well as the traditional SWAP meet.

Check back here for further details on which vendors will be attending.

Sunday, October 12

7 a.m. Ride-day Registration & Check-in

Late registration & check-in begins at 7 a.m. at South Park on Massachusetts street.

8:30 a.m. – Ride Start

The mass start begins at 8:30 a.m. at South Park on Massachusetts Street near downtown. Please be registered and checked in before this time.

Another beautiful route has been chosen for this year’s 80-mile tour through northeast Kansas. In addition to the 80-mile ride, there will be a shorter route around 45-miles. View the fall colors as you bicycle scenic country roads.

Sunflower Bike Shop‘s SAG has become famous for its breakfast fare of bacon, sausage, eggs, French toast and extras sure to fuel up the hungriest cyclist.

The Lawrence Bicycle Club will be serving the traditional minestrone soup and sandwich lunch acclaimed as the best of any ride in the Midwest. Lunch will be served at South Park.

Cycle Works will be performing emergency repairs.


The Tour of Lawrence 2014 Needs Your Help!

Think about Volunteering – Sign Up Online – Volunteers are needed for shifts on June 28th & June 29th

Shifts & volunteer check in locations:

Saturday (June 28) @ Spencer Art Museum (Mississippi Street)
shift 1: 8:00am — shift 2: 11:30am — shift 3: 2:30pm

Sunday (June 29) @ 8th & Mass
shift 1: 7:30am — shift 2: 10:30am — shift 3: 2:30pm

 For more information about the volunteer duties and FAQ visit

Thank you for you interest in volunteering with the Tour of Lawrence. Volunteers are the driving force of any large community event, and your participation makes the Tour of Lawrence possible. For more information contact volunteer coordinator Lauren James at

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