Category: Safety (Page 1 of 9)

Lawrence parents have another opportunity to share their thoughts on Safe Routes to School

Lawrence Public Schools, in partnership with the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department and the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization, is working on an updated city-wide Safe Routes to School plan for Lawrence. The next step in the development of an updated plan is to collect parent input on the desired components of a Safe Routes to School program.

The Be Active Safe Routes team is working with PTOs/PTAs and Site Councils* to gather parent input to help prioritize programs that will ultimately improve student travel to school and shape the vision of our city. We ask that all parents visit to fill out the worksheet packet for their school of interest. Parent input is vitally important even if their child does not currently walk or bike to school. In addition to parents, other interested Lawrence residents are invited to share their opinion by filling out the worksheet packet.

If you have any questions, please email: [email protected].

Lawrence Parks & Rec Hosting Bicycle Commuting Classes this summer

bicycle commuterEnroll now for Lawrence Parks & Rec's "Confident, Capable, Commuters" Bicycle class.

Do you want to take advantage of all the benefits of commuting by bicycle but aren’t sure how to get started? Have you been riding for years but never received any instruction on the rules of the road? This class, taught by instructors certified by the League of American Bicyclists, is designed to be beneficial to all levels of riders. Participants will learn how to ride safely in traffic and on the sidewalk, basic bike maintenance, and group riding skills. Participants must provide their own bicycle and helmet.

For more information, call (785) 832-7950. Cost is $20 per person. You can register at

The class schedule for the three summer sessions are:


  • Part 1: 6/17/19   6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Part 2: 6/19/19 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Part 3: 6/22/19 9:00 am – 1:00 pm


  • Part 1: 7/08/19 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Part 2: 7/10/19 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Part 3: 7/13/19 9:00 am – 1:00 pm


  • Part 1: 8/12/19 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Part 2: 8/14/19 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Part 3: 8/17/19 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

New videos educate drivers and bicycle riders on how to share the road

As part of the development of the Lawrence Bike Plan, eight videos were produced. Celebrate the work of 28 volunteers and City staff in creating these valuable resources.
Bicycle safety education has historically only focused on teaching bicycle riders how to navigate the roadways safely. These videos offer a new perspective, one to which more people can relate, from the motor vehicle driver perspective modeled off The Bicycle Friendly Driver curriculum created by the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
The curriculum aims to educate motorized vehicle drivers about how and why bicycle riders travel the roadways in the ways they do with the objective of developing a shared understanding for all users. 
You can see the video series through this link


Have You Shoveled From The Recent Snow!?

Snow and ice removal on sidewalks

We got a little reminder from the city about shoveling and thought we'd pass it along. (The pic is from YouTube 😆 )

Since December of 2008, to make public sidewalks safe for pedestrians, the City of Lawrence enforces Ordinance Number 8324. This ordinance requires all Lawrence property owners to keep the sidewalks adjacent to their property clear of snow and ice within 48 hours of a winter storm. Get the Facts: Sidewalk Snow Removal

The owner of property immediately adjacent to a public sidewalk is responsible for the removal of any snow or ice that accumulates on the sidewalk.  Removal must be done within 48 hours after the ice forms or the snowfall ends. For example, if snow stops falling at 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning, then by Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m., the sidewalks should be clear or the property owner could potentially face a citation from the city’s Code Enforcement division.

In the event that removal of ice is impossible, the property owner is required to place sand on the sidewalk within 48 hours.

“The purpose of this snow and ice removal ordinance is to create an environment of safe walkways for pedestrians,” said Brian Jimenez, code enforcement manager. The ordinance applies to all public sidewalks in the city and is primarily handled on a complaint-based system, not staff-initiated code violations. “If a resident sees a sidewalk that has not been cleared within 48 hours of a snow event, they can call our division at (785) 832-7700 or go online and submit the violation online,” said Jimenez. “It is helpful if the complainant can provide a specific address instead of a general area; this allows us to be the most efficient we can be when processing complaints.”

In a situation where a property owner fails to comply with the ordinance and the Development Services Department receives a complaint, a citation will be written. Property owners will be assessed a fine of $20 for each day the violation occurs, plus $63 in court costs if found guilty of the violation. For more information on the snow and ice removal ordinance, contact the Development Services Department, (785) 832-7700.

The Safe Winter Walkways program is seeking volunteers who can assist residents with sidewalk snow removal. Safe Winter Walkways is a program provided by the City of Lawrence and the Senior Resource Center for Douglas County.

For city snow operations and live traffic cameras, visit

Bicycle Friendly Driver Course Scheduled for July 11th

The Bicycle Friendly Driver program is an hour interactive class, aimed at educating all drivers on the best and safest ways to share the road with people on bicycles. Developed by FC Bikes in collaboration with Bike Fort Collins.  This course answers questions and topics like: 

How do most crashes involving motor vehicles and bicyclists occur?

What is the safest way to make a right-hand turn when bike lanes and/or bicyclists are present?

Why do bicyclists ride in the middle of the road?

What’s legal and what’s not legal, for both motorists and bicyclists.

Why bicyclists “take the lane” and what motorists should do in response.

Why sharing the road is the safest alternative for both motorists and bicyclists.


Kirsten Yunuba Stephens

[email protected]

Lawrence Public Library ~ 707 Vermont St, Lawrence KS  66044

The class will be presented in Meeting Room C.

July 11 th 2018

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