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Lawrence Summer Community Bike Ride A Smashing Success!

Over 200+ riders and volunteers (a record attendance) came out Saturday morning, July 21st for the 8th annual Summer Larence Community Bike Ride at the Lawrence Rotary Arboretum.

Lawrence Central Rotary's annual event aimed at getting people out to enjoy the outdoors, by sponsoring the leisurely bike rides of various lengths starting from the Rotary Arboretum. 

Sponsors from around the community and region help make this event possible, and one of the highlights of the event is that people in need of a safety helmet can be fitted on site. T-shirts and high visibility safety vests are also handed out to attendees so after the event when they are biking around the community they can be more easily seen. 

If you missed this summer's event the good news is that it will be held again this fall on Lawrence's Eastside.  The Fall Community Bike Ride is scheduled for Saturday, Sept 15th starting from the Haskell Indian Nations Stadium Parking Lot.  The ride will be along the Burrough's Creek Trail.  For more information check back or our social media outlets. 

Here's a gallery of pictures taken by Lynn O'Neal, Leilani Tuttle, and Tobin Neis.

Pictures from the 8th Annual Lawrence Community Bike Ride organized by the Lawrence Central Rotary Club. The ride began…

Posted by Ride Lawrence on Sunday, July 22, 2018

Come to the June Transportation Commission Study Session – Wed, June 20, 2018 3:30 PM


Public comment related to work session topics will be allowed at the end of each discussion item. Each person will be limited to three (3) minutes. Individuals are asked to come to the microphone, sign in, and state their name and address.

1. How Lawrence Measures Up: STAR Community Rating System, Bicycle Friendly Community, and Walk Friendly Community

STAR Community Rating System

Lawrence is the FIRST community in Kansas to receive a 4-STAR rating for national excellence in sustainability. The STAR Communities framework evaluates local governments on economic, environmental and social factors to measure sustainability and rates communities out of 5 STARs.

The STAR Community Rating System (STAR) is the first national certification program to recognize sustainable communities. STAR was built by and for local governments. The STAR framework integrates economic, environmental, and social aspects of sustainability. There are 7 goal areas, and 44 objectives by which cities are evaluated. These include both actions of the city government and the community at large.

We undertook the STAR certification not only to assess our progress towards sustainability, but also to set targets for moving forward. The STAR framework provides a nationally-recognized set of best practices for sustainability, and we look forward to continuing to improve!

For more information about the score and the STAR certification process, check out the City’s STAR website:

Bicycle Friendly Community

The Bicycle Friendly Communities Campaign is an awards program administered by the League of American Bicyclists that recognizes municipalities that actively support bicycling. A Bicycle-Friendly Community provides safe accommodation for cycling and encourages its residents to bike for transportation and recreation. The City of Lawrence has been recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community at the Bronze level since 2004.

In 2012, the City of Lawrence was re-designated at the Bronze level and the League of American Bicyclists provided feedback and suggestions to further promote bicycling in Lawrence. In 2016, the City of Lawrence was re-designated at the Bronze level and the League of American Bicyclists provided a Report Card.

Walk Friendly Community

The City of Lawrence received a “Silver” designation from the national Walk Friendly Communities program. Scores range from Bronze (lowest), Silver, Gold, to Platinum (highest). The Walk Friendly designation is based on community efforts to expand opportunities for walking and to improve pedestrian safety across a wide range of programs and activities, from planning and design to outreach and law enforcement. Report Card – Released April 25, 2017

Youth Cycling CampĀ gives youth opportunity to learn bike safety

Lawrence Parks & Rec Kids Bike Camp Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department is offering youth the opportunity to be physically active throughout the afternoon as well as learn bicycle safety through its summer camp offering Youth Cycling Camp.
This week-long camp will provide participants with the opportunity to explore some of Lawrence’s parks through bike rides. Campers will meet in Hobbs Park, 702 E. 11th St., and then travel to other locations via sidewalks. Instruction will focus on safe riding and street crossing to other community parks where children will participate in games and craft activities.
Youth Cycling Camp is open to children eight-years-old to 12 years-old and is being offered 1-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, June 4-8 and June 18-22. Cost is $100 per child, per week.
All participants must provide their own bike and helmet. In the event of inclement weather, camp will be held at East Lawrence Recreation Center, 1245 E. 15th St.
To register online, please visit: or visit any Parks and Recreation facility, including: Sports Pavilion Lawrence, 100 Rock Chalk Lane; the Community Building, 115 West 11th St.; East Lawrence Recreation Center, 1245 East 15th St.; Holcom Park Recreation Center, 2700 West 27th St.; Lawrence Indoor Aquatic Center, 4706 Overland Drive, Prairie Park Nature Center, 2730 Harper St. or the Administrative Offices, 1141 Massachusetts St.
For more information on the camp, please contact Stephen Mason, recreation center programmer, at (785) 832-7950.

Lawrence is Looking for People for the new Transportation Commission

cityoflawrence-multimodalThe City of Lawrence is seeking volunteers to serve on the newly established Transportation Commission. The Transportation Commission will serve to advance the health, safety, and welfare of all residents of the City of Lawrence through multi-modal transportation planning.

There are five Mayor-appointed positions to fill that represent the following members in our community:

  • one person representing local businesses
  • one person representing bicyclists
  • one person representing pedestrians
  • one person, who shall have a background in planning or engineering, e.g., architecture, civil engineering, landscape architecture, city planning, or the like
  • one person who has a demonstrated interest, knowledge, or training in fields closely related to multi-modal transportation planning and engineering, such as a health profession, landscape architecture, city planning, urban design, geography, or the like.

If you meet one of the above criteria please consider volunteering to serve the community to advise the City Commission on matters relating to multi-modal transportation planning and related transportation decision-making.

Sign up to volunteer online at: before December 2nd. Once membership is appointed, a monthly time and place for Transportation Commission meetings will be set by the members.

For more information, the Transportation Commission establishing resolution can be found online at: orĀ  contact David Cronin, City Engineer, 832-3130, [email protected].

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