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Why Biking to Work is a Barrier for Most Americans

This story originally appeared on Urbanful on March 24, 2015.

Photo by Paul KruegerPeople for Bikes, a national cycling advocacy organization, has just released the results of the most comprehensive cycling survey in recent memory.

The biggest take home statistics from the survey, based on the online responses of 16,000 adults: 100 million Americans (34 percent of the population) went for a ride at least once in the last year. Forty-five million of those bikers made at least one ride as a means of transportation, rather than recreation, but only 14 percent of bikers take two or more rides each week.

That’s not because they don’t want to: 53 percent said they would like to ride more, but don’t.


Not surprisingly, provision of better quality bike lanes was identified as the key to increasing how often people hit the road: 54 percent of respondents said fear of getting hit by a car or truck is what holds them back, and 46 percent said they would be more likely to ride if a physical barrier separated bike lanes from car lanes.

While most cities have made a big push for more bike lanes in the shoulder area of the roadway, fully segregated bike lanes are a form of cycling infrastructure that is just starting to take off. Still, 17 percent of Americans say they feel more safe riding a bicycle now than they did five years ago, giving reason to be cautiously optimistic about the direction our cities are headed.

One thing the study made clear is that daily commuting to work and school is still rare in this country. Fifteen percent of Americans rode a bike at least once for transportation purposes in the last year, but only 10 percent of those, or about 4.5 million people, identified as the kind of regular riders who commute by bike at least 100 days per year. On the other hand, almost 10 million Americans made at least 100 bike trips for purely recreational purposes in the same time period.

Beyond traffic safety, there are a host of other reasons conspiring to keep us in our cars, only some of which were addressed by the survey.

Two of the most popular:

  • Fear of being attacked: Concerns about getting mugged while biking through deserted roadways at night and other such scenarios keep 35 percent of Americans from riding more.
  • Logistical challenges, like going from bike to bus or train. According to the survey, 29 percent of respondents said it was easy to combine bicycling and public transit. Most municipal buses have a rack on the front that fits a total of two bikes. If both spaces happen to be full, the unlucky bikers have to modify their transportation plans for the day on the spot, one of those small inconveniences that weed out many would-be bikers.

Photo by Paul SablemanStill, the study falls short in teasing out the many other minor factors that keep us in our cars. For instance, it doesn’t look at whether there is a safe place to lock a bike once you arrive at your destination. More and more employers are offering bike lockers and some even provide a bike valet or pay their employees to bike to work, but these are certainly in the minority.

It would be interesting to know how many employers promote a bike-to-work culture with facilities like lockers and showers. Bikers often show up at work hot and sweaty, their hair poofed in some places and matted in others, makeup running down their faces. It’s not conducive to jumping into an early morning business meeting, but there are many notable examples of employers attempting to integrate the realities of biking into the corporate status quo.

Perhaps soon we will see a survey that delves into these detailed and telling aspects of biking culture. But one thing is clear: Americans want to bike more, but our cities aren’t always equipped to support it.

For now, the survey leaves us with a few interesting comparisons: While 34 percent of the population rode a bike at some point last year, 39 percent worked at home after hours, 40 percent went jogging, 41 percent used public transportation, 75 percent visited a social media website and 96 percent watched TV. Despite the serious biking data from the survey, those final points certainly give a relevant context for our cultural priorities.

How Do You Perceive Bicycle Safety?

LDC-BACPublic input is essential to developing a better understanding of the community’s perception of Bicycle Safety. The Lawrence-Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) worked with the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) staff to partner with Senior KU Engineering Student, Carlos Patino to study Bicycle Crash Data and Safety Perceptions in Lawrence. BAC members have partnered to develop a survey to gauge the safety perceptions around bicycling in Lawrence.

A link to the survey is available at now through April 21. Public participation in the survey will help better define priorities to improve safety in the region.
In addition, BAC members will be present at the 2015 Earth Day Celebration which will be held on Saturday, April 11th from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at South Park is located at 11th Street and Massachusetts Street to collect input. The input collected will be used to draft new or revised policies, programs and projects designed to make Douglas County more Bicycle Friendly.

For more information, contact Jessica Mortinger, Transportation Planner, Lawrence-Douglas County MetropoBike Famlitan Planning Organization, at (785) 832-3165 or [email protected]

league-logoThe Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department and City of Lawrence are bringing the League of American Bicyclists to Lawrence, KS, to offer their national League Certified Instructor training course.

Get certified, insured and equipped to teach:

  • – Basic to college level bicycle skills and safety
  • – Motorist education courses
  • – Group riding skills
  • – Commuting skills to work and school

League Certified Instructors (LCIs) are experts in bicycle education and safety. LCIs teach independently (freelance) and offer classes through schools, parks, bike shops and clubs. Along with certification to teach classes, you’ll receive access to a network of resources including videos, training models, and listserves exclusive to LCIs.

Cost for the training is $300. The Health Department has funding to pay the fees for eight individuals. These individuals will be required to provide 30 hours of bicycle skills and safety lessons in the community. The deadline to apply is April 1 and can be done at For more information, contact Lawrence Recreation Center Programmer Stephen Mason at [email protected] or 785-832-7950.


Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee Webinars January 7 & 8

BAC-new-logo-final4The Bicycle Advisory Committee is hosting the webinar: Dynamics of Effective Advisory Committees from the Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle Professionals. Please attend and watch with BAC members.

  • January 7, 2015 12:00 PM-1:00PM
    City Commission Room, Lawrence City Hall
  • January 8, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30PM
    Public Works Conference Room – Ground Floor, Lawrence City Hall

bikewalkWebinar Details: Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committees are critical to making bicycling and walking part of the transportation solution because they add transparency and community engagement to the planning process. This webinar offers guidance about committee
structure, defines roles, and suggests techniques and training to make a group more effective. Case study examples balance the perspectives of staff and advocates, bicycle and pedestrian focus, and regional and local committees. Presenters from the Nashville (Tennessee) MPO and the City of Olympia, Washington, will discuss their committees’ major initiatives and how productive, long-term working groups achieved significant, measurable outcomes.

The Nashville Area MPO assisted in developing a regional bicycle and pedestrian study and an award winning regional transportation plan. As a result of this work, the group was tasked to develop scoring and make funding recommendations related to bike/ped projects. The City of Olympia’s Advisory Committee has successfully focused on improving the pedestrian realm through its involvement with a far-reaching sidewalk funding initiative, a pedestrian crossing improvement program, the redesign of the 4th Avenue bridge, and an innovative neighborhood pathways program.


  • Darren Flusche, Policy Director, League of American Bicyclists
  • Leslie Meehan, Director of Healthy Communities, Nashville Area MPO
  • David Kleinfelter, President, Walk/Bike Nashville
  • Sophie Stimson, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Olympia
  • Recorded March 20, 2013

Community Meeting Scheduled for 1/14/15 to Talk About Safe Routes to School in Lawrence

Kids should be able to easily walk or ride bikes to school!The Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department in conjunction with Lawrence Public Schools, the City of Lawrence and the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization will host a community meeting Jan. 14 to discuss the results of Lawrence’s first data collection about walking and biking to and from school.

The meeting will be from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the West Middle School cafeteria, 2700 Harvard Road. The Health Department will present the data it collected in fall 2014 in regards to whether children are biking and walking to school, and what factors contribute to parent and student decisions about walking and biking to school. As part of the data collecting process:

  • 18 public and private elementary and middle schools participated
  • More than 1,600 parent surveys were submitted
  • 350 classrooms provided student travel tallies

After the presentation, community members will have the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. School teams also will meet to
work on the next steps for their Safe Routes to School plans.

“We live in a culture where children walking or biking to school is no longer the norm, but what we are learning is parents and children want the opportunity to walk or bike to school,” said Community Health Director Chris Tilden, of the Health Department. “There are ust a lot of perceived barriers, primarily linked to safety and convenience. By launching a Safe Routes to School program, we’re looking to tackle those barriers.”

Denise Johnson, Lawrence School District wellness coordinator, said the Safe Routes to School program is part of the solution to increase
physical activity and improve unsafe walking and bicycling conditions.

“Helping to set healthy goals for students and staff has been a goal of the district. Walking and biking to school can contribute to lifelong habits and can help to incorporate physical activity into daily routines. Partnering with the community allows us to expand that goal.”

To learn more about the Lawrence Safe Routes to School initiative, visit:

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