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Lawrence is a Great Place!

The Lawrence Chamber of Commerce put together a great video of why people love it here in Lawrence and one of our own Ride Lawrence bike racks is featured at the 1:02 point!

You Can Make Difference – Lawrence Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee Needs People

BAC-new-logo-final4The Lawrence Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee is looking to fill two member seats at large, for positions Lecompton and Baldwin City have elected not to fill through their appointments. The first consideration for appointments will be at our February 4th, 2014 meeting. Please attend the February 4th meeting if you are interested in serving a three year term on the BAC.

Please find the agenda packet for our next BAC Meeting on February 4th, 2014 at the following link:
This meeting will be held in the Public Works Conference Room, Lawrence City Hall, 6 East 6th Street, at 5:00pm.

The Lawrence-Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee provides a communication linkage between the City and County Commissions and the community on bicycling related issues. The Committee works to improve bicycle safety and awareness through education of motorists and non-motorists; review, update, and oversee the distribution of the City’s Biking Map; seek information from multiple sources on current trends, programs, and facilities outside the local area; and promote bicycle awareness by coordinating activities with the City, County, the school district, universities, and the local bicycle clubs.

For questions please contact:

Jessica Mortinger, AICP, Transportation Planner – [email protected]
Lawrence – Douglas County Planning & Development Services |
City Hall  6 East 6th Street
P. O. Box 708 Lawrence, KS 66044-0708
office (785) 832-3165 | fax (785) 832-3160

Ride Lawrence is Looking For a Few Good People

Uncle-SamRide Lawrence is run by volunteers and is always looking for help with posting information about local biking events and for individuals to add relevant content to the site.

Our directive is to continue to be a clearinghouse for any bicycling information in the City of Lawrence, the Douglas County Kansas area and beyond.  We also post interesting bicycle related stories to our social media outlets.

If this sounds interesting to you email Tobin Neis to discuss. We want to continue to build our presence and awareness of this resource and with your help it can only get better.

Support the Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Act

league-logoRecently, a coalition of bipartisan lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced identical bills (HR 3494 and S 1708) — the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Act — to help reduce the number of bicycle and pedestrian fatalities on American roadways. Review our resources on safety and learn more about how you can help support this important piece of legislation below. Here is League of American Bicyclists President Andy Clarke’s statement on the legislation.

“Dramatically reducing the number of people biking and walking who are killed and seriously injured on our roadways is critical for two very compelling reasons.

First, this is about much more than just statistics – every one of these fatal crashes robs a family, a community and our nation of a precious human life. The costs to society are huge, and these are usually very preventable crashes.

Second, bicycling and walking are healthy and enjoyable ways to get around that we should be doing everything possible to promote: we know that lack of safety is a major deterrent to people walking and riding more frequently, and we know exactly what we can do to improve traffic safety – not just for people riding bikes and walking but for everyone on our roads.

Establishing simple safety performance measures – holding ourselves accountable to eliminate these needless crashes – will prioritize roadway designs that are safe for all users, and encourage education and enforcement programs that rid our communities of the scourge of distracted driving, speeding, and drunk/drugged/drowsy driving. That’s good for everybody.

Bicyclists and pedestrians make up an increasingly large percentage of all roadway fatalities and serious injuries – and in a handful of states the issue is particularly acute. States such as Florida, California, New York and Texas need the backing of the Federal government to tackle this problem head-on, and every State in the nation can play a role in making biking safer and encouraging more people to ride.”

The League has compiled a media packet for advocates to spread the word and gather support for this vitally important piece of legislation:

·         Take Action: Tell your congressional lawmakers to support this bill.
·         More on HR 3494 and S 1708
·         Fact Sheet
·         Chart breaking down the numbers
·         Safety Resources and League ‘Rules of the Road’

Lawrence Commission to receive Community Health Plan presentation

LiveWell Lawrence IconDuring the Lawrence City Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 3, commissioners will receive a presentation of the Roadmap to a Healthier Douglas County: 2013-2018 Douglas County Community Health Plan.

LiveWell was involved in the development and implementation of two of the five priority areas of the plan: access to healthy foods and improving rates of physical activity. The Roadmap also addresses mental health, access to health services and addressing poverty and lack of jobs.

The following members of the Community Health Plan Steering Committee will make the presentation:

  • David Ambler, Lawrence-Douglas County Health Board
  • Erika Dvorske, United Way of Douglas County
  • Dan Partridge, Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department

The plan has been adopted by the Douglas County Commission and Eudora City Commission. The plan will also be considered by the Baldwin City Council tonight. Lecompton council members are expected to consider the plan at their meeting on December 16.

Please consider attending the Lawrence City Commission meeting tomorrow evening, December 3, to show your support. The meeting begins at 6:35 p.m. and will be held at Lawrence City Commission Meeting Room, First Floor, City Hall, 6 East 6th Street, Lawrence.

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