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Ride of Silence Scheduled for May 15

RideofsilenceJust a reminder that the 2013 edition of the Ride of Silence will be held on 15 May (always the 3rd Wednesday of May) starting at 7:00 PM (local time).  For the second year in a row, Lawrence, KS is on the official list!

For those of you not familiar with the Ride of Silence, more info may be found at, and info about the Lawrence, KS edition may be found at

Plan on joining me on 15 May starting at South Park for a quiet ride through Downtown Lawrence (etc.?) to remember all of our fellow cyclists who did not make it home from their rides.
Fine print – this is a totally “assumed risk” ride not associated with any cycling club/team/whatever, without any outside traffic control, etc., etc., so…ride at your own risk (just like every time you climb on your bike).

Lawrence Bike Rodeo Scheduled for Saturday at KU Spring Game

KU Spring Game Bike Rodeo

The fourth annual Bike Rodeo will also begin at 11 a.m., in lot 91. The Bike Rodeo will feature a bicycle course and free bike inspections, courtesy of Douglas County Fire and Medical. In addition, kids 15 and younger will be custom-fitted with a free bicycle helmet (while supplies last) as they learn about bicycle rules of the road, trail etiquette and  safety.

Repost: Biking and the Fallacy of Zero-sum Environmental Thinking


(Yes, the bicycle light had just turned red.)

Here’s a repost from the EcoOptimism site written by David Bergman about the misconception that in order for one person to gain something others need to loose in terms of bicycle lanes.

The great James T. Kirk once said (or is it ‘will say’ since it takes place about 270 years from now?) “I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.” My much less quotable version of this might be “I don’t believe in the zero-sum scenario” — at least not in the case of environmentalism, where I like to point out the many win-win and win-win-win scenarios.

A zero-sum game is “a situation in which a gain by one person or side must be matched by a loss by another person or side.” Because of misperceptions of competing interests, environmental issues are often seen as resulting in, at best, zero-sum results. Gains for the environment, for example, are seen as necessarily won at the expense of jobs or energy prices. Developed countries are pitted against developing countries. You get the idea.

On a smaller — and therefore perhaps more personal — scale, bicycling as an alternative form of transportation often ends up in verbal skirmishes with drivers (played out in the news and, sometimes, the courts), who see bike lanes as stealing space from vehicle lanes, and business owners, who fear shoppers won’t come if they can’t park in front.

There are, of course, some valid complaints about cycling. Here in NYC, there is a sort of Wild West legacy of riding in which cyclists until recently had no safe turf. Hence a fend-for-yourself attitude developed whereby many, especially delivery bikers, would ride wherever and however they could to get where they needed to be. Since drivers gave them no respect, the feeling became mutual. (I don’t, by the way, have any such rationale for cyclists who scare or endanger pedestrians.) Continue reading

Rails to Trails Opening Day is March 30th!

opening_day_whtbkg_500x198Spring is here!

We know that it hasn’t stopped some of you but for those of you that have had your bike inside since the last days of fall, Here’s your chance! 

The snow and ice have melted, peeling back the cold blanket that has covered the landscape these past few months to reveal colorful flowers, birds and bees… and trails!

traillinknew_promoMarch 30 – the last Saturday in March – is Opening Day For Trails. It’s the perfect time to kick off the season with a leisurely stroll or bike ride along your local trail.

So dust off the shoes,pump up the tires, grab the kids, your friends and the family dog, and step out for Opening Day. It’s the best time of the year!


Snow Biking

Wow! 12-15″ of the white stuff is predicted out there today! If you are brave enough to head out be careful!  We dug around and found some pics for you hard core peeps out there!

Bike snow



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